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April 1 and May 1

On April 1st, the bus hit the road for the first weekend trip of the 2011 year.  Goshen, IN was our destination.  The families went along this time, except for Daryl’s family, who remained at home recovering from the flu.  Brian’s oldest daughters also stayed at home, but Jason’s whole family went.  Danny managed to bring his ENTIRE family on the trip, too!!

GOP-- on the road again! Miss Christina went along to visit her family.
GOP-- on the road again! Miss Christina went along to visit her family.
Crowded.. but not as crowded as usual.
Crowded.. but not as crowded as usual.
View from the road.
View from the road.

2011 was the first year the A Cappella Gospel Sing took place, but hopefully this will become an annual event. Ray Yutzy, of Sharon Bethel Quartet from Iowa, headed up the event, along with a committee of five men in the Goshen area. Ray did a phenomenal job of envisioning the weekend and helping it to run smoothly. Thanks, Ray!

Quartets, quintets, choirs, and family groups from Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, Canada, and more…

Followers Quartet

Garment of Praise

Greene Mountain Men’s Choir



Harmony Quartet

Harmony 5

Harmony 5 Generation 2

New Freedom Quartet

New Heights Quartet

The Harbor Lights



Higher Ground Quartet

The Living Faith Quartet

Sharon Bethel Quartet

Smucker Family



Many thanks to James Yoder, of Kalona, IA, who ran the sound and did a magnificent job! Also our appreciation goes to Fairhaven, for hosting the event at their church and to the Fairhaven/Woodlawn Youth for operating the food booth. 

Thanks to the Fairhaven congregation for their support!
Thanks to the Fairhaven congregation for their support!
Organization at this event was top-notch!
Organization at this event was top-notch!
Yummy food whenever you wanted it.
Yummy food whenever you wanted it.


Guy (Daryl's son), enjoying something from the food booth.
Guy (Daryl's son), enjoying something from the food booth.

Near the dining area, each of the groups were able to set up a table to display their CDs and cassettes, and that is where we were able to meet friends and visit. 

CD tables
CD tables

A highlight of the trip was being able to reach new people in the Goshen, IN area.  From  those we met, we received many encouraging words to go on singing. Thank you for that! We can go for quite a while on an encouraging word!


We also enjoyed meeting the other singing groups, and getting to know them. What a wonderful fellowship in working together to worship the Lord and bringing others a blessing!

The A Cappella Gospel Sing was Friday and Saturday, so on Sunday Garment of Praise sang at Blue River Church of the Brethren.

After enjoying a meal there, we headed back toward Pennsylvania, reaching home around 1:00 am Monday morning.
May 1st, Sunday morning, we had a program at Stony Run Mission Church. This is the second time we’ve been there. We definitely enjoyed being with Pastor Nick Smith and the congregation there.
On the way home, we stopped at a park to play and eat our lunch.
Nothing like a good tree to climb for boys with lots of energy!
Nothing like a good climbing tree for boys with lots of energy!

1 thought on “April 1 and May 1

  1. Greetings.
    Really enjoyed being with you all again at the AGS this year. Thanks for singing with us. we all really enjoyed it.
    I just got back from a trip to Bulgarie with a quartet for 11 days singing in churches in the southern part of the country. we were ask to come and promote 4 part acapella quartet singing. We were well received by the people there. we had a great time.
    God Bless you as you continue singing for the Glory of God.
    Galen, for the Palm-Aires Quartet.

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